Thursday, May 15, 2008

A good way to start working out when you are obese

For starters, you should start out with a diet that is easy for you to follow. Don't throw it all together at once because you'll get overwhelmed. Start with less calories and throw in healthier food items, and don't get discouraged if you you don't get it right one day. Just continue on. And don't use food as a reward, like I stuck to my diet this week so I'll have a big piece of cake this weekend. Once you're on top of the dieting (I'd say two weeks probably) I'd start with walking. You can walk around your neighborhood in the evening, it's relaxing. Make a work-out mix for your iPod so you can enjoy it. If you're interested in going to a gym, I'd say pick one that's low-key, like your local YMCA. The cost is reasonable and it's not the type of gym that people go to and show off (you know, full on make-up and snazzy outfits). It's relaxed and easy to work out at. Try to get a work-out buddy that is looking to complete the same types of goals you are. Keep each other motivated, and before you know it, it'll be a routine and you'll be in shape!

Just don't give up!
